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Drop Off and Parking Information

The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and that applies when students are arriving at and departing from school. It is up to all of us to follow the safety protocols put in place for each school and to create the safest possible environment in our parking lots.

School Parking Lot Protocols & Traffic Flow

Below are the parking lot drop-off and pick-up safety protocols and traffic flow for each school. Contact your school administrator with questions.

Brooklyn Elementary Traffic Flow Procedures
  • When dropping off and/or picking up your student please either remain in your car and use the pick up lane or park and meet your student at the crosswalk. 
  • If you remain in your vehicle, please pull as far forward as possible to keep the flow of traffic moving. 
  • If you park your vehicle in the parking lot, students and/or caregivers should cross at the supervised crosswalk. 
  • You may also wait to pick up your student in the no parking area of the parking lot across from the crosswalk to minimize congestion on the sidewalk/bus loop.
BKE Traffic Flow Map

Mapa de Flujo de Tráfico BKE

  • Cuando deje y/o recoja a su estudiante, permanezca en su automóvil y use el carril para recoger o estacione y reúnase con su estudiante en el cruce de peatones. 
  • Si permanece en su vehículo, avance lo más posible para mantener el flujo de tráfico en movimiento.
  • Si estaciona su vehículo en el estacionamiento, los estudiantes y/o cuidadores deben cruzar en el cruce de peatones supervisado.
  • También puede esperar para recoger a su estudiante en el área de no estacionamiento del estacionamiento frente al cruce de peatones para minimizar la congestión en la acera/círculo de autobús,
BKE Traffic Flow Map
Take the School Traffic Safety Pledge!
Traffic Pledge

Our school parking lots are extremely busy during drop-off and pick-up times. Pledging to follow these basic traffic safety protocols will make drop-off and pick-up time as safe and efficient as possible. Take the pledge and ask others to do the same!