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The mission of Oregon School District's curriculum is to provide our learners a rigorous, guaranteed, viable and engaging 4K-12 curriculum driven by the standards adopted by the Oregon School Board.Our curriculum is a tool we utilize to provide a diverse range of personalized learning experiences leading to empowered learners along their journey towards the OSD Portrait of a Graduate.

We continually refine our curriculum to cultivate the learner's ability to think critically and creatively, problem-solve, reason, develop global competencies and to nurture an intrinsic motivation to learn. All of this is built on a solid foundation of caring for the whole child and the creation of an equitable educational environment.

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Main Contacts

Jon Tanner

Director of Learning and Student Achievement

Darci Jarstad

Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning

Michele Brisack

Administrative Assistant

Celia Paczwa

K-8 Mathematics Coordinator

Kimberly White

K-8 English Language Arts Coordinator